Pendemic Relief Gifting

We are as a people are those who look forward to helping a community invest in themselves as well as each other.

How It Works

Sou-sou is a group or a network of people that may or may not know each other but are all member of a pool that involves and investment for a savings club. Participants may agree to contribute a set amount of money on a weekly or monthly basis and take turns receiving a payout.


Level 1


Level 1


Level 1


About Us

We are as a people are those who look forward to helping a community invest in themselves as well as each other. The investment that one place is a bright way of investing in the future of ones well being not to forget to mention it’s a empowering and uplifting way enhance that person or group of individuals lifestyle. Investing and savings is a great way to secure a bright future and we are here to help each other achieve that which is tangible.


Air Position

2 Members

Air Position

2 Members

Air Position

2 Members

Air Position

2 Members

Terms & Conditions

One must understand that this is a process of uplifting there community through giving gifts. If one does not contribute by referring another person to do the same then the gift that will be given to them may take longer then expected. There are no set age limit to whom may be able to contribute to this nor is there a set group of people that this is limited to. At any time if a he/she wants to withdraw from the gift they pay be able to reject their gift and from there the gift will be up for gifting to the next person to receive that gift.